Thursday, June 8, 2006

She had her!

My 'first' niece is here and I got to watch the delivery.

Ainsley was 5lbs 9ozs and was 19" long and beautiful w/dark hair.
My sister had a fairly easy time with labor. She got an epidural and breezed right though, when it came time to deliver, she pushed for 22mins and didn't tear or need stitches of any kind. The dr was awesome with the delivery.

The baby was like 2wks early - not surprising since her first born was 10 days early - so she still had a lot of vernix (A greasy white substance coats and protects the baby's skin in utero. ) on her, which to me felt and looked like she was covered in Elmer's glue, so I never got to see her eyes open b/c they were glued shut with the vernix but my sister said once they bathed her, her eyes were open.

I don't have any pics and I was home by 8:30pm and in bed by 9:45pm but I was EXHAUSTED - and this morning, even after a FULL night of sleep, I'm still EXHAUSTED. You'd think I was the one that gave birth. Ugh! I need to WAKE UP!

I can't wait to see Ainsley again but I don't think I'll get to see her until Friday...

On a side note: I love my sister's kids birthdays. Her son was born on 4-7-04 and her daughter was born on 6-7-06.

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