Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Wow! I've been waiting for 12wks to come along for what seems like forever now. However, I won't completely let my guard down until next week. For some reason, I feel the need to hit 13wks before I start to celebrate.

I had a dr appt yesterday and I was hoping to *hear* the heartbeat but when I got there the office was packed with pregnant women everywhere. I had scheduled my appt at 5:30 so I wouldn't have to miss any work but apparently the dr was way behind because of a delivery that took forever and then shortly before I got there another woman had to go to L&D for a c-section... They asked me to go run errands or eat dinner and come back. While I was talking with them, one of the said pregnant women calls her husband and she said, "If you're hungry then you should eat because I will be here for a while, I've already been here since 3:30..." That was all I needed to hear when they told me that they could get me in at 1:30 today. I took it and now I have to leave work early but they were understanding. I just don't understand why they didn't try to call me and reschedule before I got there? Oh well, it is what it is.

So hopefully today, I'll get to hear the heartbeat.

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