Wednesday, May 17, 2006

10wks today!

I am 10wks today.

I’m feeling more relaxed now and have all last week. I really don’t have any new symptoms to report, I just wanted to tell anyone who would listen.

Now on to Austin:
Austin got up and got ready for school so fast this morning because I told him (after he asked yesterday) that I would let him take in a flower to his teacher this morning if he got ready on time. He also asked me yesterday if he could invite his teacher to his next b-day party. He just adores his teachers - always has and loves to do “nice” things for them. He likes to please them.

Now on to my sister:
My sister is 33wks pregnant and she told me today, “It’s hard for me to accept you being pregnant”. She said, “I’m selfish because I'm consumed with being pregnant.” And she went on to say, “It’s not bad that I'm being selfish, it’s just I'm used to being the [only] one pregnant right now.”
I can’t believe she said this to me. But whatever, that’s my sister for you.
And I found out that she’s going to my ex’s wedding (to the home wrecker) in June. WTF is that? Is there NO loyalty in our family? I didn’t say anything to her because it’s not going to change anything and we’ll just end up fighting.

I can't believe her... *shaking head* She thinks it's perfectly acceptable. What do you think?

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