Monday, August 6, 2012

Gone Missing by Linda Castillo

This book is the 4th in a series. I really like the stories and how the author can tell it with such detail and suspense. It did feel a little like same ol' same ol' but I enjoyed it.

In this installment, teenagers from the Amish community keep turning up missing, one after another in a 100 mile radius. Kate is asked by Tomasetti to work on this case of his because of her understanding of the Amish. She becomes attached to the investigation in a way that she never expected and she's forced to keep a level head so she doesn't screw it up.

I must say that at one point, I was at the edge of my seat while reading. I felt like I was running with Kate. And I just love how I'm probably the only one who didn't see the obvious... I was kind of caught off guard at a small revelation at the end of book.

Yes, it's a recommend!

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