Thursday, March 16, 2006


We're all sick.
Bill has a sinus infection.
Austin has strep.
And I have a virus that I'm hoping doesn't turn into strep...

I did not ovulate the other day so this cycle is not a bust. Although it seems like I'm never going to ovulate... I have long cycles 33-48 days long and it seems as though this will be another cycle of 40+ days. Probably because I'm sick. I'd like to act all flip about it but my patience is wearing thin. I mean it's my first month ttc, I just want to ovulate already. Why are my cycles so long and irregular?

Anyhow, I'm going to get off of here and do some housework since I'm home with Austin. I have a lot that needs done.

I hope everyone is having a great day. Send me some ovulating vibes please.

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