Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I think we're going to need more M&M's...

I'm potty training Dylan and he's been having pee pee accidents more and more frequently so today, after his first accident, I offered up some M&M's every time he went pee on the potty after that and as a bonus, I gave him a small cup of them when he did the tiniest of poo on the potty because that never happens.

Now he's peeing on the potty every 20 mins or LESS. It's been so much that the last time he went to the potty, he couldn't even go. Also, every time Dylan gets candy, Jack only thinks it's fair that HE gets candy as well since he also pees on potty. =)

Like I said, I think we're going to need more M&M's but on the bright side, Dylan hasn't peed in his pants since that first accident of the day! Maybe I'm on to something!

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