Thursday, October 19, 2006

Health Update

For those of you who don't know, I've been having some problems in the mornings with my sugar levels dropping and causing me to feel faint and crappy. Since discovering that it was "probably" sugar, I changed my diet in the mornings from cereal, which is high in sugar, to plain oatmeal that I flavor myself and things have been good...until Tuesday morning.
Here's a recap of what happened Tuesday:

I have no idea what went wrong but I got ready for work like normal and I felt fine. I left the house and I felt fine. It wasn't until I was driving up a main road to work that I started yawning over and over again, like I couldn't get enough oxygen or breathe. So I tried sitting taller to give my lungs a little more room, didn't help. I wasn't feeling right and I started getting warm so I turned on the a/c so it would blow on my face and a few minutes later is when I felt the color drain from my face. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw how pale I was so I pulled over on the shoulder but kept driving just slower since there was a turn coming up. When all of a sudden I started seeing the dark spots. This was it, I was passing out. I immediately pulled into someone's driveway that was right before the turn. I got parked in time and I didn't pass out but boy did that scare me. I called my mom when I got back on the road so I had someone to talk to until I got to work just in case and right before I got to work, I started feeling funny again but I got to work and I've been okay ever since other than I'm exhausted and feel like I might be trying to get sick with sore throat but that's another story.

So I had a doctor appointment that afternoon and I mentioned it to the doctor and here's what he told me:

When I told him what happened this morning, he told me to go to my GP soon and have my heart evulated. He said from what I told him about this morning (yawning and shortness of breath) he said that it may be an arythmia (sp?). He said that the sugar could also play a part in b/c when your blood sugar drops your body releases adrenaline and if my heart isn't working properly then it may not be distributed properly or quick enough (something like that, I was a little thrown so I can't remember exactly) but he's also concerned b/c I had the oatmeal this morning and it didn't work like it has been - so it leads him to believe it could be something other than the sugar... Clear as mud? Bottom line: I need to call my GP asap and get in for an EKG.

Now I've had "episodes" with my heart racing about 3 yrs ago and they did an echo and everything looked picture perfect and then it all stopped when I changed jobs so they chalked it up to stress. I never bought it but have felt fine ever since... until I got pg. So even though the "episodes" are completely different in symptoms etc. I'm still a little nervous about what is going on.

I have an appt for Monday @ 2 with my GP so I'll keep you posted.

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