First of all, everything looked good.
He's still a boy (we saw testicles) and his heart rate was 134.I was exactly 31wks yesterday and he measured 31wks 1d and approximately 3lbs 9ozs. He's also head down.
We got 4 pics and they aren't that great. The sonographer had several great photo opportunities and didn't take any of them. The picture I uploaded to SN, Jack looks like he's going to cry but just a second or two before he looked so peaceful - if she would've only snapped it then... Oh well. He's still cute.
The sonographer was really nice and I think at the end she was trying to get us more pics but I asked if it was ok that I bend my knees b/c my back felt like it was breaking and she said it was fine and asked if I was ok. I was but then a few minutes later I had to ask if I could sit up b/c I can't breathe on my back and it was starting to make me light headed so she ended the sono then... darn it. I know she was doing it for my benefit but I wanted a GOOD pic. Again, oh well.
And one last thing -
Surprise! Surprise! My placenta is anterior which is why I can't feel him so much. As we were watching the screen she said, "Did you see that? He's kicking you." And I said, "I don't feel a thing." She said, "I do." (b/c she was holding the wand).
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