Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Flippin' teacher

She strikes again!

First let me point out that they had THREE (3) tests last Thursday - a bit much for 5th graders in my opinion but at least it was all of them and not just Austin...

So I ask him yesterday if he got his tests results back for math and social studies b/c those were the only 2 I knew about and he said, "No, but I got my spelling test back!" I told him I didn't realize he was having his spelling test on Thursday as well and asked his grade (he's a GREAT speller, I have no worries here). He said, "a B+" A little confused I asked him which word he missed and he told me that he missed a couple of the BONUS words.
Here he didn't miss ONE spelling word but at the end of the test she gave them 5 bonus words and he missed 2 of the 5 and ended up getting a B+ - INSTEAD of which, in my opinion, should've been 3 pts towards extra credit.

I'm about ready to explode here!! I'm trying to contact ex or his wife - since Austin was with them last night - so that they can verify that they saw the test with their own eyes and what Austin said is correct before I call the school and raise a stink!

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