Saturday, August 4, 2012

Wool by Hugh Howey

I believe this is one of those books that I would've found to be much better if I had read it a little faster. The storyline was great and the writing was great. The book is actually broken down into 5 books, the first book I really liked and left a cliffhanger at the end that prompted me to buy the collection and I have to say I was a bit disappointed reading the 2nd book which is probably why my reading slowed down, I was so bored with the 2nd book but then the 3rd book started and I was sucked back in.

This about life in silo. An underground silo. If you are sent to 'clean', you are being put to death. You can't even talk about the outside. Those in charge are ruthless.

I'm trying to word this review without including any spoilers but I can't. I don't even want to talk about 1 specific person without giving away too much so you'll have to read this -like no other- book for yourself and draw your own conclusion!

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