Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I realized while I was in the shower that my short marriage to Bill, 1yr and 5mos, has already been longer than my marriage to ex. It's sad but it's true. Ex came to me after 1yr and 3mos and told me that he was content but not happy. I asked him to explain that to me because I thought that content was a state of happy and he told me that when someone is [only] content that's why they cheat. Boy, I didn't even see that huge red flag. I knew something happened that weekend while I was gone but I couldn't get him to admit to anything until years later when he had nothing left to lose by telling the truth. Scum. I loved him whole heartedly which I why I always said that he would never find a woman better than me, not because there aren't good women out there but because NO ONE would love him like I did. All of this is water under the bridge. I'm happy now with my new life. It just wanted to put my realization out there.


Kimberly said...

Hugs sweetie. Glad you're happy now!!! :)

karen said...

You are in a better place, and it shows :)

TEAZ said...

((hugs))) Take care of yourself beautiful.

Alexis Jacobs said...

((hugs)) I know how happy you are now.