So I'm breastfeeding. Jack is 6mos old and I still have not had my cycle return. This is a good thing and a bad thing all at the same time. I mean, I don't think I need to explain to you why I think it's a good thing, especially if you're a woman but it's a bad thing because I was hoping to be able to start ttc #3. I want my last 2 children to be close in age and the closer the better. I have my reasons.
One being I worry about getting pregnant at my age because in the ttc world I already have one foot in the grave. This never really would've bothered me until I had my pregnancy with Jack and they kind of freaked me out putting me through rounds of testing. Yikes!
Two, although I love being pregnant, I want to get this out of the way.
And three, I want the two to be close. Friends close. Not that they can't be "friend" close further apart but they will be more on the same page closer together.
Anyhow, I've been watching my cycle very carelessly. We haven't had protected sex once since Jack has been born because I don't care if I get pregnant. I've taken my temperature (my choice of birth control) a handful of times just to note whether or not I ovulated. In the past I could always feel when I ovulated so I figured I would probably feel it again. So, I think it was Saturday the I last took my temperature, although I'm not 100%, it could've been Friday, whatever, it was 97.2 which tells me that I had not ovulated. This morning I get up and I think to take my temperature and it's 97.9 indicating ovulation. I did not feel ovulation this time and I'm bummed (not terribly bummed being as how Jack is only 6mos old) to think I may have missed my first month ttc because I wasn't more on top of things. Thing is though, I don't know when I ovulated. My best guess would be either yesterday or Monday. The only time we had sex was last night so I'm hoping I ovulated yesterday. I guess I'll know in about 2wks.
Bottom line here: God knows what I can handle.
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
Good luck with TTC! Keeping my fingers crossed for ya.
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