Friday, December 29, 2006

Jack's birth story

It was wild. Not only did I go into labor on my own, on the day I wanted but it also happen to be his original due date. Crazy I tell ya.

Let me try to be quick about the birth story:

I had an appt the morning of the 12th @ 10:30 - no changes, still 3cm & 75%. I ended up contracting all day, like any other day I had an appt, they were BH and didn't hurt. Bill didn't get home until late, trying to tie up some loose ends before the induction the next day, and when he came in I commented on how I had ctrx all day. We went to bed around 10-10:30 and I realized that I was feeling these crtx that hadn't stopped yet (and normally do by bedtime) so I waited an hour. They weren't letting up so I woke Bill and told him that I thought I was in labor. We himmed and hawed and decided we'd better get to the hospital.

We wake up Austin, get the stuff in the truck, call Austin's dad so he can meet us and then to the hospital - at this time my crtx were 3mins apart. I got to L&D at 1:00am. She checked me and I was completely effaced and 6cm!!! Indeed I was in labor. They contacted my dr and the epi guy and a little over an hour later, they both arrived. Got my epi at 2:15am and I was so relieved b/c I was scared to death of my water breaking before I had a chance to get one. I was able to relax and dose on and off for a while after that. She checked me at 3 and I was at 8cm. She decided to let me rest and came back in at 5:20am check me again, I was complete. However, my water never broke so they called my dr, broke my water (which had meconium...) and I started to push. I pushed through 4-5 ctrx when I got his head out. They made me stop pushing so they could suction him out to get any and all meconium so he didn't get any in lungs when he took his first breath. And then out came the rest of him.

I have a little tear but I have been doing great. Jack nurses like a champ and we both caught on real quick, I don't think I'll have many problems.

I'm very proud of myself for getting to 7cm without an epi, I tolerated the ctrx fairly well, I thought, I just knew there was no way I wanted to even try 8, 9 & 10.

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