Thursday, May 25, 2006

The nerve

I'm so sorry to keep coming here and complaining but things came to a head today.

My sister just asked if I could watch her son while she goes to ex's reception.
Here was my reply:

ME: Shannon, I hope you understand but I have a hard time watching Kyle so you and Ronnie can celebrate Jay and Megs marriage... :( I haven't said anything b/c I don't want us to fight but it hurts ... like I said, I hope you understand.
Shannon: its always something
Shannon: you never can help us out babysitting
Shannon: i should know better then to ask
ME: I'm terribly sorry you can't/won't understand.
Shannon: well for one YOU are MARRIED
Shannon: two its not about meg/jay & you - its about you always telling me no you can't babysit for whatever reason
Shannon: you are not terribly anything

Why can't she see? :( I didn't want to fight and now she's angry. She's so self-centered. :( Am I wrong? Really. Please be honest with me. Should I babysit?

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