**Thursday - Day 4**
This morning we woke to our First morning together breakfast (in bed), delivered by room service (ordered by us when we met with the wedding planner) – it was very good, we had omelets, toast, coffee & juice.
At this point I figured we had enough laundry so I filled out a slip, filled the bag (it was actually overflowing) and called laundry – they came and picked it up and delivered it back to us in less than 48 hrs. I love that amenity!
Then it was out to the beach! Jamaica finally came through for us and the sun was shining the weather was perfect from here on out – barely even a cloud in the sky! We went to lunch (in our bathing suits – I slipped on a pair of shorts and Bill a shirt) and then at 2:00 we went and picked 24 pictures from the 63 that were taken – how fun. Then it was back to the beach.
Around 5:00 we came in to get ready for dinner and after my shower I realized how uncomfortable my yeast infection was getting so I called the nurse. They called in a prescription of Diflucan and all I had to do was leave $19 at the front desk and then go back to get it within a ½ an hour. We at dinner at La Pasta, it was ok…
Tonight Bill wasn’t feeling good with a scratchy throat so we took it easy and caught the movie The upside of anger and then just fell asleep in each others arms.
**Friday - Day 5**
We ordered breakfast via room service today, then hit the beach, went to lunch, back to the beach, went in to shower and then went to dinner where they were having a Gala Party with a huge spread and entertainment.
On our way to dinner there was a woman who had a table set up and she was selling stuff, well, I happened to see a 5x7 frame that I wanted. The lady said $20. So I tried to haggle. She wouldn’t go below $20. All week I’d heard of people haggling but I couldn’t do it. See, I let her know that I really wanted the frame. After 3 different attempts – I walked away. Once we got inside I started looking for anyone that we’d met so far to see if they would haggle for me when the people at the piano bar (from day 3) came walking right towards us. I explained what was going on and ask if they could haggle – the one girl stepped forward and said, “What do you want and what are you willing to pay?” I told her the 5x7 frame for $15. She back and had bought it for $14 and then gave to us as a wedding present. Have I mentioned how nice everyone is??
After that we hung out at the piano bar and on our way back to our room we were invited into a hot tub that already had 4 couples in it (that’s 8 people(!), that we’d just met at the piano bar, they left before we did). They said that they were trying to displace as much water as they could. Did I mention they were ALL naked??? We passed and went home to bed.
**Saturday - Day 6**
By now my days are running together and I have no idea what day it is anymore, that’s a good thing. It would help to see a clock once in a while! This resort had ONE clock at the front desk – that was it! No clocks in your rooms – nothing! Very easy to lose track of time, whether your sleeping in or staying out too late!
Today was a laid back day I went to breakfast, Bill went to a Jamaican golf course with one of the guys he met, then I hit the beach, and when Bill got back we went to lunch, back to the beach, went in to shower and then went to dinner at Munasun, the Japanese restaurant. After dinner we walked the resort and took some pictures – which didn’t turn out that great. :mad: My yeast infection was feeling better so we had a little fun back in the room before falling asleep.
**Sunday - Day 7**
Day 7 was a lot like day 6 but Bill didn’t go golfing and we decided to try sailing which was neat but it was more work than Bill realized so we didn’t stay out too long. We got to go to the French restaurant, Piacere, again tonight because our wedding planner has friends who live close to us and we brought back coffee for them – under one condition: she made us reservations for the French restaurant. Again, dinner was awesome!!!
**Monday - Day 8 (our last day)**
We have to leave today. I’m happy and sad. I hate to leave such a gorgeous place with no worries but there’s no place like home and I miss Austin terribly! We try to hit the beach for a little bit before we leave but we didn’t realize checkout was at 11:00 – we extended it to 12 but it cut our beach time short so we could shower and pack. The flight home was uneventful and we arrived safely.
I need to say that we met people from all over the world including: Finland, Canada, London (and the guy asked us, “Have you forgiven us yet for sending you Simon Cowell?” ), Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Michigan and New York. These were some of the nicest people I think I ever met! We exchanged our emails with 3 couples! And all of them were repeaters to the resort so we might actually see them again. I can’t get over how laid back the Jamaican’s are, don’t worry be happy is a definite motto there and ya mon is phrase that I smile at every time I hear it now.
We really did relax and have a great time. If you read this far God Bless you!
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