I love Jodi Picoult so it's no surprise that I loved this one as well. And I've said it before and I'll say it again, she gets an A+ for research and covering every angle.
This is a book about a father who is on life support and a daughter who wants nothing more for him to get better and a son who wants to pull the plug. The family is torn at the seams but not for the first time, they've had to be strong in the past but this time it's a matter of life or death.
The book started out a little weird for me as I had to get used to Luke and his wolves and how involved he was with them but as the story expanded, I couldn't put it down. I thought Jodi Picoult did a wonderful job making all of her characters personable - so much so, in one part, I felt my heart break. And of course, it was a Picoult book so she kept you on your toes with all secrets that were revealed at the exact precise moment.
And please, may I never be put in the same position Cara, Edward, Luke, Georgie or Joe.
I'm sad that I waited so long to read it and now it's done. But I will definitely recommend to everyone.